Monday 25 January 2016

*Dreaming mode on: One year vacation...."

Have you ever dreamt of going on a one year vacation? Like travelling around the world and see new things? It just gives you the adrenaline rush, doesn't it? Well, it's not happening.. We are just a humbly poor people.

But if you are given a chance to do it... 

I would go actually. But preferably not alone. I'm a fan of Role-Playing Games (RPG), especially Final Fantasy series and the games focuses on travelling the world to defeat evil. Yup, that's about it. Sometimes, these games gives inspirations.

Maybe we can just go on an adventure around the world and helping people with their problems. That will sound exactly like a game with good morality, won't it? Then, we get to see new people, experience different culture, see new places etc. That would be awesome!!!

If only we get to go on an adventure...

Get to see aurora.

Visit Italy houses.

Riding a boat around Venice.

And the list goes on and on... I know the fares are expensive, but we can find odd jobs for survival and the trip won't be just a few days trip (definitely not), it'll be more of a few years trip. How cool will that be??? 

Ah... The bliss of visiting places and unknown area. Oh well... Time to get back to work... 

Sunday 24 January 2016

Perks of being an auditor

To stay alert all times, like a tiger
Including nights (as in sleepless nights) 
People may be limitless, but your device needs a rest xD

Friday 8 January 2016

Slow as a snail and rantings

Sometimes, it is very pissing off that how your seniors at work have been scolding you that you are not competent and working very slow.

Ok. First things first, when I've a to-do list for the day and plan to have the work done, out of sudden, they will pass me some unnecessary stuff, like photocopying, do some "taking the dog for a walk" kind of job, then how do you expect me to finish the cases you want me to do? Then my to-do list is also ruined because of them.

Next, when I said I've been chasing the auditors for their draft report and stuff, I did my part. How's scolding me going to make it work? Fine, the cases I've been doing are mostly dormant, but I can't help it when the auditors kept saying that the draft report is not ready. I don't have magic to make it happen.

Then you have seniors scolding you that you're working slow and all cases are dormant. Excuse me! I do have cases which are active. It really hurts when they throw this kind of insult at you.

This reminds me, when I had my appraisals done by seniors, they list out my "bad" side, then I said, then what about the "good" part, one of them said that what good listening the "good" side. Well, for starters, it gives you encouragement. Like come on! I'm still human, not robot for you to order around. Ok then, the other senior did mention my good side, which is to follow up on cases, then the senior that said about "discouraging" to good side, asked me that will I "overdo" the follow up part. Like when the client says will revert to me by one week and I'll call client to make sure he will revert. Of course I'll do it! Everything is urgent right? But I know she doesn't want to lose in arguments. I just let her be because the more I fight back, the more crappy things she will say.

Done with that part of ranting, but I have to admit, what she says about we have to listen to the bad side because that's how we improve, but we need to hear what we are good at so we can maintain it that way, and not knowing what we're good at may deteriorate if we have no idea what we are doing is good.

Well, let's just hope for the best and just fight on.

So my sister-like-cousins, both age 13 just started secondary school. They have come so far. It' s time for them to grow up. No, i dont mean they are legal for alcohol and going against thier parents just yet. But this is where they learn about boys.

No I dont mean in detail , birds and bees kinda way. I was talking about trusting a boy, liking a boy, thinking they are in love. Also getting rejected- if they actually have the guts to say it. I advise otherwise.

My first crush was when i was 12. I kept it hush just until the cat got out of the bag. Nothing happened of course. He didn't feel the same way. Of course he didn't. Even i wouldn't have fallen for me. I was the resemblance of a potato.

Anyways, secondary school. Boys. Yes so I had crushes here and there. Boys were friendly until you tell them a girl is crushing on them, they can get pretty nasty. Making thier faces as if they have seen puke. They become really mean.  Unless she was all he could think about and they end up creating cute names for each other, calling it 'love' until they get bored. Well that is 9 years ago. Now, with the influence of the media lots have change. They have shows about teen moms. I'll stop there.

So, to my lil cutie pies, I hope you have the best teen years. I'm not gonna tell you what you should do or should not. I'll use the term 'i advice' instead. You guys are old enough to know right from wrong. Wait- don't forget to be a kiss ass cause if your teacher likes you- like me you can cut class by hanging in the teachers room. Yes folks been there done that. But the calss that you have cut that teacher will hate you. In my case, add maths. In the end we made up, though, cause i got an A. I think I've mentioned this in my last post.

If I could tell my 13 year old self anything, I would say :- open your eyes not everyone is nice and not everyone will be with you till the end. But the one that stay are the one you want to keep close always. Make memories. Gain an interest in something you like (not boys- because you need a men. Not now. When you're older. ) to do.

I wouldn't change much about my life. Thank you people who made my life better, and go to hell the ones that made me sad.

Good luck, children.

Saturday 2 January 2016

Hello 2016

New day new start.
A new chapter and story unfolds.

Do a little more of everything nice. 
Be kinder. Be stronger. 
Have a little more faith. 

Having new year resolutions isn't that tough. It's the effort to achieve 'em that counts. 
Similarly, it's not hard to make a decision,but it's the consequences of that decision you have to live on.

And, what's the point of searching the right answer when you didn't even asked the right questions.

Life Is Not Measured By the Number of Breaths We Take, But By the Moments That Take Our Breath Away

To take your time

To indulge in thoughts

To let imagination soar

and let's take a moment to appreciate this little cupcake.


New Year's Resolutions

So, this'll be the second post for this blog... Since, it's the second day of the new year, so it's logically to do a new year resolution thingy. I'm not a person to do resolutions coz unlikely I'll fulfil them, let alone one of them. But since it's a trend now, so here goes..

- Have a healthy body. By healthy, I mean try to get six packs. (For once in my lifetime, I need to see it happening. XD) So, eat healthily and stay healthy and whatever stuff to get it. 

- Next, study hard to pass the ICAEW Advance stage papers. 

- Learn to drive properly and would make my parents feel confident enough to let me drive alone. 

- Learn how to cook.

- Learn to play many songs on organ and able to entertain people with songs.

- Smile more often, even at darkest times.

- Figure out a way to reduce the power of my short-sightedness and astigmatism.

There they are. Hopefully, this will be a year of good fortune.

Truth to be told, I can't really feel that it's 2016. Still feels like 2015 though. :(

Anyway, wish you guys Happy New Year and all the best in whatever you're doing. :D


Friday 1 January 2016

A word or a few paragraphs

I've always believed for every problem there is a solution. So is there the hardest question?

Lets go back in time. Imagine me in highschool, if you asked me what was the hardest question then, I would pass you my add maths homework. And say "H-A-R-D"
but i made it through, with distinction infact. 

After highshool, the hardest question is what i would pursue in college. God. I went on with list after list of colleges but then I just did what seemed okay at that time- accounting. And of cause a push into the well by my parents. I will not leave them unthanked.

I dont think that would be the hardest question in my entire life. Life is filled with obstacles that we would need to get passed to live life. But together with that you would be thrown choices.

And always do what's right and remember no regrets. Its also important to be in the now. So do it wisely.

So in 2016, be the reason for positive progress towards something to help the society be better.

Till next time folks.