Friday 16 December 2016

Life goes on...

So, the ICAEW Advance Stage results are out..... and I didn't make it through. But hey, I've come this far with only two more papers left: Two. Freaking. Tough. Papers. Well, it's expected I would fail as I felt I didn't put in much effort. So, I have myself to blame.

As for my two friends who are in their final paper, one made it through, so yay! Congratz to him!! Proud of him, I might add. The other, well, I know the paper is tough.

In the end, life goes on.. We just have to accept the reality of it and try to plan out the next move.

Most of my course mates have also made it through and you should see how the Facebook were filled with their relief on their passing of ICAEW result postd. Of course, I wish that I could be one of them. I just have to play the waiting game then.

And I've been doing some thinking, how am I going to handle these final two papers. Should I take two at once? But I'm also worried about how my firm going to take in this result. Oh well...

That is all for my post. Tqvm for taking your time reading and goodbye~